Marker Scrawl

12:56 James 0 Comments

Here it is:

I finally got round to putting the pictures up. This is the bike I got from ebay for £20 that I'm going to ride from Stafford train station, through Cannock Chase, to Walsall with my mate Willy and my sister this Saturday setting off around 12.30 and maybe making it before dark.

This is it as it was listed
After I gave it a quick once over, regreased the bottom bracket and took the gyro brakes off it looked like this:

And I looked like this because I forgot to tighten the bars up:

Knob cheese
That resulted in an extra £12 on new brakes as I completely broke on of them. Now it looks like this:

Ready to ride and we'll see if the wolf makes it.


Nice marker work

14:37 James 0 Comments

Oof. I love this. I’m going to do something like this on my bike that I picked up for £20. I don’t have his skill which means its going to be a £20 bike with shit drawing on it.



14:34 James 0 Comments

Most things I do are born out of me having had a few ales/wines/whatevers and this is no exception.
I make clothes to ride in because I can and I don't like lycra.I made a couple of things for Will too because he rides and wears clothes and we've done a few rides together in the clothes. He wants me to make more and we were talking how to go about it in a sensible way but we were camping, we'd been drinking and we got talking about how we should do this: but a bit more like this: and a bit more stylistically like this:
From Gummo
which is what we feel comfortable with and it sort of ties in with the clothes a bit. As I'm from Walsall, it seemed to make sense to do it to there as it isn't London and that seemed important. We couldn't decide on a start point because there wasn't enough reception to get on the internet so that came later but thought about 20-30 miles would be more than enough. We did decide we should buy a bmx for old times sake (we both had one longer ago than either of us cares to think about) and that we shouldn't spend any more than £50 on it. There was chat of stopping off at a brewery too maybe the legendary Banks's in Wolves and maybe finishing at the now sadly departed Highgate Brewery.
Essentially, the important things were bmx's, beer and maybe some new shorts. And that is where we are.
We set the date at 15th August at around lunchtime and that is what we're going to do.
More details and that to follow.